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This Is What Sarah Palin Is Planning To Do Next

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The Liberals are saying Sarah Palin’s political career is over. Larry Sabato said “I think it eliminates her from serious consideration for the presidency in 2012.” Her critics claim there “must be” something about to come up that is really bad for Palin.

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Future Plans for Palin

Future Plans for Palin

Many of Palin’s detractors in Alaska have filed numerous complaints against her leading to speculation that she cracked under the legal and financial pressure. The Liberals have made her a constant target and leveled a barrage of hatred towards her and her family. Some disguised as “humor”, others just outright attacks, often for no apparent reason.

This would take it’s toll on an ordinary human. Many may hold up the white flag and walk away, head down in defeat. Only deep down, no one believes Sarah Palin could be that easily defeated. After such a long battle against this strong woman that strikes such fear into the hearts of Liberals, it is just a bit anticlimactic for her just to walk away. Thus, the speculation she is planning to run for President in 2012. But why resign in 2009 over three years away? Why not just finish out her term and not run for reelection as Governor, giving her two years for a presidential bid?

Palin has given us a few clues as to her plans. Her spokesman, David Murrow, said the governor didn’t tell him this was her “political finale”. “She’s looking forward to serving the public outside the governor’s chair,” he said.

And a further clue comes from Palin’s Twitter. “We’ll soon attach info on decision to not seek re-election… this is in Alaska’s best interest, my family’s happy… it is good, stay tuned.”

So, there is some announcement to come. Speculation seems to center around a 2012 Presidential run. But if I were Lisa Murkowski, I would be trying to raise as much money as possible right now. Murkowski is a Republican US Senator from Alaska. More important to Palin, she is a “moderate” Republican and is pro choice. While Murkowski has been a supporter of oil exploration and drilling in Alaska, to oppose this in Alaska is political suicide. Murkowski has a long history of voting with the Democrats and is considered by many to be an Arlen Specter type “Republican”.

Lisa Murkowski’s father, Frank Murkowski held the seat now occupied by his daughter until he became Alaska’s Governor in 2002. He appointed his daughter to fill the last two years of his Senate term, and Lisa successfully won reelection in 2004. During his tenure as Governor, Frank Murkowski was accused of nepotism for appointing his daughter to fill his US Senate seat and attempted to do an end run around the Alaska Legislature with a gas pipeline deal. Sarah Palin challenged the unpopular Governor and soundly defeated him in a 3 way primary race and went on to win the Governor’s race in 2006.

Should Palin’s promised announcement be a bid to unseat Lisa Murkowski, Alaska’s Liberal “Republican” Senator, odds are we will rid the US Senate of an unreliable Republican vote as Palin should be a favorite to win in a primary against Murkowski.

Should this be Palin’s plan, she will have the opportunity to campaign for some of the Republicans running this year, and perhaps earn some political capital and help in her bid to unseat Murkowski.

And a successful bid to become Senator will not hurt her in the least should she have her eye on a 2012 Presidential run. After all, how can anyone belittle her experience after two years as a US Senator? Obama supporters will be hard pressed to attack her experience level at that point. And perhaps she is considering spending six years as a Senator and waiting for 2016. That math works out pretty well indeed.

Article written by: Tom White
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About Tom White

Tom is a US Navy Veteran, owns an Insurance Agency and is currently an IT Manager for a Virginia Distributor. He has been published in American Thinker, currently writes for the Richmond Examiner as well as Virginia Right! Blog. Tom lives in Hanover County, Va and is involved in politics at every level and is a Recovering Republican who has finally had enough of the War on Conservatives in progress with the Leadership of the GOP on a National Level.

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